Considering I have a crap-ton of book giveaways, we're gonna do this weekly until they're gone. Going forward, all giveaways will go Monday-Sunday evening so you have time to get your entries in. Winners will be announced on Mondays.
Now that we have all that boring stuff out of the way, let's get to the good stuff.
F R E E B O O K S !
If you've read Kristan's books before, you know they're full of heart and humor. If you haven't read them before, what are you waiting for?
Sorry, this contest is only open to US residents.
Must be 18 years or older to enter.
I hate Mondays because the weekend is over and I have to go back to work.
Monday was particularly bad this week because we're so much closer to the end of summer! It went by wayyyyyyyy to fast!
I hate Monday because everyone tends to be crabby! Well actually, I personally don't hate the Day itself, its all the other crabby pants that get to me!
I usually hate Mondays and Sunday afternoons/evenings as well because they mean the weekend is over and I have to wait another 5 days for it to happen again :-(
But this week I bore it much better, for the simple reason that I'll leave to go on vacation on Thursday, so this week is only 3 day long, yay! :-D lol
because it's the beginning of the work week
I hate Mondays b/c I miss my hubby when he goes back to work after the weekend. :(
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